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Do not hesitate to contact us:

Minor Coordinators


Weekly presentations

You can also visit (a part of) the weekly Friday afternoon presentations at Science Park in G3.10 in the period between March and the end of July. During these presentations the current students present the progress of their projects in 10 minutes per group.

Presentations are held on most Fridays, from 15.30h – 17.30h. There is an opportunity to ask the students and coordinators questions during drinks. Ask the course coordinators for the best moment to come by.

Business Inquiries

Does your organisation have a question that is suited for science Master's students? A business idea that needs some thorough research? A need for an innovative approach or product concept?

Become a Tesla client! A team of 2-3 intelligent and highly motivated MSc students will sink their teeth into your problem and deliver a creative and scientifically sound solution. By working on your assignment, they gain valuable experience and develop consultancy skills. At the same time your organisation gets a fresh perspective on the issue, and is able to get into contact with some of the brightest science students. Get in touch to find out how Tesla can work for you, and vice versa!