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In order to ensure a good match between your individual learning goals and the aims of the programme, an interview is part of the application.


  1. Please send an email to this address: gradschool-LES-FNWI@uva.nll with the name of the minor in the subject line. Please list your name, student number and  master programme. Please enclose a motivation (of max one A4 page).
  2. You will be contacted about the possibility to participate in the minor.
  3. Use SIS to register yourself for all courses and examinations. Please note: The dates for registering for courses and examinations can vary per faculty.



  1. After you have filled out the application form (see the link below) you will be invited for an interview.
  2. Use SIS to register yourself for all courses and examinations. Please note: The dates for registering for courses and examinations can vary per faculty.